In Dr. Choe's Child Development Lab, the primary focus of the research pertains to children's intuitive knowledge, causal representation and conceptual understanding in sociocognitive development.
For more information about Dr. Choe's research lab, please visit her blog.
Dr. Choe may have opening(s) on her team for Spring 2025.
Dr. Draheim's Cognitive-Clinical Mechanisms of Psychopathology (COMP) Lab focuses on evaluation of the factors that contribute to the development and treatment of anxiety and related disorders. Active projects also evaluate how technology can be used to enhance assessment and treatment of psychological distress, including virtual reality and computer-based paradigms to investigate cognitive biases. For more information about Dr. Draheim's research, please visit her blog or contact her via email at
Dr. Draheim will not have openings on her team for Spring 2025.
Dr. Ghirardelli's primary research program focuses on visual attention, or how we selectively process only a subset of the visual information present to us.
For more information on Dr. Ghirardelli's research or to apply to work on his team please contact Dr. Ghirardelli via email at
Dr. G will not have openings on his team for Spring 2025.
Dr. McCabe's research program focuses on memory strategies, metamemory/metacognition, and teaching and learning.
For more information on Dr. McCabe's research lab at Goucher College, please click here. To apply to work on her team, please contact Dr. McCabe via email at
Dr. McCabe will be on leave for Spring 2025.
Dr. Ngoubene-Atioky’s research focuses on social factors that explain or help sustain the quality of life of underrepresented and/or marginalized diverse communities, with a specific emphasis on international communities (refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, international students) and on groups with intersectional identities (e.g. race, gender identity, social class, age, nationality, ethnicity, educational level, language, and skin color). The social factors will be examined in relation to the constructs of social power, privilege, and wellbeing.
Current study: Eating, Food, and Wellbeing of Sub-Saharan African Black women immigrants.
For more information on Dr. Ngoubene-Atioky's research or to apply to work on her team, please contact her via email at
Dr. Ngoubene will have opening(s) on her team for Spring 2025.
Dr. Patrick’s current research program focuses on the ways people understand the experience of autonomy and authenticity in their close relationships and how this, in turn, impacts important relationship outcomes such as relationship satisfaction, conflict resolution, attitudes toward commitment, etc.
For more information about Dr. Patrick's research team, contact him at
Contact Dr. Patrick about openings on his team.
Dr. Starkey's neuroscience research focuses on the neural substrates of numerical cognition (math skills like counting, estimating, and comparing quantities) in adults and children.
To apply for a spot on her research team, please first contact Dr. Starkey via email at
Dr. Starkey will not have openings on her team for Spring 2025.
Some years, psychology faculty also participate in Goucher's summer science research program.